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Establishment of a spinach cultivation method in summer

We have addressed how our research can be applied. Recent global warming limits the crop species, which can be grown in summer. Therefore, we have been studying strategies for decreasing heat stress to crops and how to grow them sustainably. Spinach is a leaf vegetable that is usually cultivated from autumn to spring. Therefore, it suffers from growth inhibition by heat stress in summer. Especially, spinach germination and growth are strongly inhibited because inside the temperature of greenhouses reach almost 50 °C. We have succeeded cultivating spinach using pre-existing greenhouses owned by active farmers.


Spinach contains a larger amount lutein (> 0.1 mg/ 100g), which is a carotenoid. Lutein concentrated in macula lutein, the region of the retina responsible for central vision and visual acuity has an antioxidative effect. Humans do not synthesize luten in the body so it decreases gradually if we do not acquire it from our diet either through food or dietary supplements. Lutein has been studied for improving age related macular degeneration (AMD). Recently, it is expected that lutein will help young people eye heath because they are expose to blue-light from extended use of smart phones and PCs. We have also studied that cultivation condition for higher accumulations of lutein in spinach.

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